Library Hub Cataloguing FAQ

What is Library Hub Cataloguing?

Library Hub Cataloguing is a shared cataloguing service using data supplied to the National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) to support efficient and cost-effective cataloguing amongst Jisc members and NBK contributors.

How does the Library Hub Cataloguing service relate to the Jisc National Bibiliographic Knowledgebase (NBK)?

The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) is the name for the aggregation of data being used to provide the Library Hub Discover, Compare, and Cataloguing services. This large data pool allows us to manage the flow of different subsets of data into each service and will support new service development in future. The Cataloguing service uses a sub-set of the data in the NBK - data may be excluded for a variety of reasons, for example, because it is supplied in non-MARC formats, or because there are restrictions over data re-use in MARC format.

Can my library become a contributor to the Library Hub Cataloguing service?

We are hoping that all UK University Libraries will wish to be involved in the Cataloguing service, as well as the related Discover and Compare services that have been developed out of the Jisc NBK. You will find information about the NBK and Library Hub development on the Library Hub blog. We will also be continuing to add new specialist research library catalogues to the NBK - and if the data is in MARC format there is the option for this to be included in the Cataloguing service. Data in non-MARC formats is included in Discover and Compare, but is not used for shared cataloguing.

If your library is not already contributing to the NBK database and you want more information about what is involved, please contact us at

Who can access the Library Hub Cataloguing service?

The Library Hub Cataloguing service is available to current Library Hub contributors and Jisc members.

What cataloguing interfaces are available?

The Library Hub Cataloguing service is available through a web interface and Z39.50 connection, both of which require authentication.

The web interface can be accessed here:

Full details for the Z39.50 interface are available on our API page.

What access control mechanism is being used?

Z39.50 access is by username and password, Web access is controlled using Shibboleth

Access is available to current Library Hub contributors and Jisc members. For more information and to request access, please contact us at

What data is available in the Cataloguing service?

A full list of all institutions whose data is included in the service may be found on the Libraries page, as well as in the Libraries list on the advanced search page of the Web interface.

Please note that due to licensing and other data reuse restrictions, an institution’s whole catalogue may not be represented on the Cataloguing service. Full catalogues can be found, in non-MARC format, on the Library Hub Discover service.

What character encoding is in use?

Data is available in the UTF-8 character encoding.

What Z39.50 search attributes can be used?

Full details of the Z39.50 search are available on our API page.

How is the data managed?

The data processing procedures will be documented on the Contributor web site in future. And we will be consulting on the service development so the cataloguing service meets community requirements.